Product Labels Features

50+ ready to use templates
Our WooCommerce Advanced Product Labels offers 3 types of templates: CSS, Image and Advanced
Advanced templates have 3 text lines with different text styles which makes them charming
"The plugin works really well, and the support is fantastic! I highly recommend it"
Discount timer
Show users the time left for the discount end time. This will grow your sales in no time
7 templates to choose from. Wide configuration possibilities
"I create the labels that I need for my products, without any hazzle. Great!"

Label style options
Font size, color, border, Google Fonts and other style options to make the label you want
Label spacing, position, rotation and also the background color
"This is the best plugin. Very usefull and easy to use. Thank you so much for your work!"
Product labels types
You can set your labels in the required position with Label type and Position options
On the image, under the image or inside the title. Inside, the title can be right or left, while other types also have a center option
"Allows maximum customization – lets me set stuff for almost everything."

What our clients say
Want to try the admin side?
Get access to this plugin’s admin and try it from the inside. Change things and watch how they work.
Your email will be used to create a new WordPress user. When the demo site is up, you’ll get a notification letter.
Product labels Tooltip
If you don’t want to overload your product labels with content – a tooltip is the solution!
Tooltips can contain an image inside to provide more content in an excellent way
"I added it to our fresh products to mark organic and other types of products."

Opacity & gradient
The gradient will add some spice to your labels, while a semi-transparent background shows content under it
Colors and intensity can be customised. It looks super awesome, and your customers will love it
"Just what we needed, moving from Magento, my customer wanted labels and this did the job perfectly. Thank you!"

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Shortcodes & content types
Tag, Price or Category as a label? You got it! Use Content-Type and Shortcodes for more dynamic labels
Brands by our free plugin are also there. It is the same as shipping classes
"This product works amazing… exactly how you would like it should work"
Advanced Product Labels
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